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🛠️ Mission

CoinPays' mission is to make blockchain services and value accessible with fiat currencies and to make fiat-based services and value accessible with cryptocurrencies. By bridging the crypto and fiat worlds, we promote the widespread adoption of blockchain technology. In line with this mission, we have five primary objectives:


Decentralization is one of the fundamental principles of blockchain-based cryptocurrencies because it eliminates unnecessary, arbitrary, and inefficient procedures that are required to build and maintain trust. CoinPays' decentralized payment network offers access to various cryptocurrencies, tokens, points from credit providers, digital assets, and fiat currencies without the need for costly and time-consuming trust procedures. This reduces the distance between users and merchants, lowering transaction costs. CoinPays' product architecture consists of five layers: access layer, solution layer, product layer, core layer, and blockchain network layer. Each layer is defined by an open payment protocol to maintain consistency with decentralized applications. Through the automatic and transparent execution of smart contracts, merchant participation, reconciliation, and collections are facilitated; dispute resolution, swaps, and automatic clearing also benefit from decentralized processes. CoinPays adds value by guaranteeing quality and efficiency through decentralized operations.

Large-Scale Commercial Applications

CoinPays offers efficiency and cost savings of decentralized applications for meeting the needs of large-scale businesses with complex account structures, PushPay and PullPay payment models, and transaction types:

  1. Supports complex account infrastructure.

  2. Supports complex payment models such as Customer-to-Customer (C2C), Customer-to-Business (C2B), and Business-to-Business (B2B).

  3. Supports complex transactions like unified payments, subscription payments, restricted payments, and corporate payments.

  4. Ensures that smart contracts meet the demands of commercial scalability.

Security and Trust

CoinPays builds a trust-based ecosystem through its credit scoring architecture. Decentralized blockchains introduce the concept of a "trustless system". Thanks to the transparency of blockchain-based systems, CoinPays offers blockchain-based credit scores to clients with risk management requirements.

Sustainable Development

The CoinPays ecosystem supports sustainable evolution through consensus. Ecosystems built with consensus mechanisms inevitably evolve. The CoinPays team, with its long-standing experience in developing electronic payment systems, encourages innovators to come closer to the market.

Low Cost and High Efficiency

Achieved through a decentralized operational support infrastructure. In areas such as commercial engagement, customer service, risk management, and anti-fraud, CoinPays offers scalable efficiency opportunities by implementing smart contracts within its decentralized infrastructure.

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